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Sunday, 26 July 2015

Weather in OpenWebGIS

For the convenience of users in the OpenWebGIS  the weather module has been recently updated to visualize the weather on the map from two sources, that offer free API for everyone.

In the article "The meteorological service based on OpenWebGIS" there was an example of the use of meteorological information in OpenWebGIS from external sources (WMS layers). In this example layers were added using the menu item "Layers-> Create and add new Layer from WMS URL" (See Figure 1). Layers legend was added in the form of images using the menu item "Layers-> Create and add new Layer from Image file". The above example shows that each user of OpenWebGIS can create their own service based on OpenWebGIS from the desired sources.

Figure 1.
Besides this method of adding data about the weather (of course the data can be added not only about the weather) for the convenience of users in the OpenWebGIS weather module has been recently updated to visualize the weather on the map from two sources, that offer free API for everyone. Weather API (application programming interface) allows developers and programmers to access current, past and future weather data for use in apps and on websites. Weather information is taken from two sources: and Select them by using the menu item "Layers-> Weather" button or "Weather". (See Figure 2).

Saturday, 11 July 2015

Import/export of OpenStreetMap vector data using OpenWebGIS

In OpenWebGIS now there is an opportunity to download OpenStreetMap data from a file or directly from the OpenStreetMap server. To download from the file you need to select the menu item "Layers" -> "New layer from OSM file" (See Figure 1). To download from the server you need to choose the menu item "GeoDataBase" -> "OpenSreetMap database" (See Figure 2). After selecting these menu items, the corresponding windows with the settings will appear (they are shown in the pictures with red arrows).
Figure 1
Figure 2